
...shaderfrac....UnityShader实现流光效果·Shader中会用到`_Time`内置变量来跟踪时间,通过时间变化来创造流动感 ...,AccelerationToolsNamefrac-returnsthefractionalportionofascalaroreachvectorcomponent.Synopsisfloatfrac(floata);,Stripstheleadingvaluesfromafloatingpointnumber.Forexample:frac(1.23)wouldreturn'0.23',frac(123.4)wouldreturn'0.4'.,Methodfrac.frac(Single).Returns...

Unity Shader中常用函数及其几何意义--持续更新ing 原创

... shader frac. ... Unity Shader实现流光效果 · Shader中会用到`_Time`内置变量来跟踪时间,通过时间变化来创造流动感 ...


Acceleration Tools Name frac - returns the fractional portion of a scalar or each vector component. Synopsis float frac(float a);

Understanding the frac() function...

Strips the leading values from a floating point number. For example: frac(1.23) would return '0.23', frac(123.4) would return '0.4'.

Method frac | Mathematics | 1.2.6 - Unity

Method frac. frac(Single). Returns the fractional part of a float value. Declaration. public static float frac(float x). Parameters. Type, Name, Description ...

Fraction Node | Shader Graph | 6.9.2 - Unity

Fraction Node. Description. Returns the fractional (or decimal) part of input In; which is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.

frac - Win32 apps

Returns the fractional (or decimal) part of x; which is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.

Frac 取小数· Shader forge 中文手册(非官方)

Frac 取小数. Frac 取小数. 输出其输入的小数部分。它实质上移除整数部分,仅保留小数部分。如果输入为4.32,则会输出0.32。此节点在与Time(时间)节点一起使用时非常 ...


Gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.


frac函数返回标量或每个矢量中各分量的小数部分。上图演示的是通过frac函数形成的图像效果,它只是frac函数的简单实现。我们经常会使用frac函数做噪声 ...